We engage with our stakeholders to collaborate for positive outcomes for all
Continued Asian sourcing dependence is not part of a sound supply chain strategy for any brand that has global presence. For many brand sourcing teams, Latin America has not been a focus area that would entail bringing team members and budgets to bear.
Latin America can tick many boxes that make brand identity easier to manage. Low MOQs, faster to DCs, lower inventories, same or "close to same" time zones, fast travel times and ease of communication, as many speak English. Environmental and Human sustainability transperancy. Predictable business culture as most owners/senior management are American trained.
If all these points pique your interest for entry or expansion into this vibrant sourcing region, please contact us and we will help.
There is incredible interest for Latin American factories to become an important member of the global supply matrix. What is needed is the knowledge and practical tools that will allow them to seamlessly integrate. True global brands work with well developed compliance manuals and quality standards that many regional factories don't know well neither the rationale behind them. Many work with agents who subcontract work to the region and thereby do not provide the full compliance picture. We train factories so they can be independent and strengthen their relationships and margins.
Become a true member of the global sourcing community who is poised for any brand that seeks production. We are here ready to train.
There are no factories producing apparel without their production floor team members. In order to meet clients' compliance goals, factories are only as valuable as the skills their workers have. Through our training on the floor as well as in team upskilling sessions. As their skills increase and meet the client's needs the factory will have more orders and thereby maintain more consistent employment with less down time. Gaining skills also increases growth opportunity within the company for workers, raising their pay and allowing them to provide more for their families. Obviously a positive outcome for a factory affects more than just one worker and brings empowerment to your town and neighbors.
As factories within a community begin to gain traction with global brands and their significantly higher compliance standards, clients' confidence in the region will increase. The relative transparency and increasing Latin American government stability also allow brands to form long term goals for the region and their logistics.
The confidence in the region allow factories to invest in equipment and add staff. As the workers gain skills and work more regularly, salaries increase, there is more purchasing power in the community. It may also increase the taxbase as people outside the community look for employment in the growing factories. The region will gain economic stability and importance as strengthening production capacity will allow it to form more importance in developing economic policy.
government entities
The effect of brand/factory engagement won't be immediately apparent until a rhythm has been established of order shipment in concert with quality approvals. In simple words, consistent deliveries of client product without problems. The establishment of client confidence increases the popularity of the region for secure sourcing and allows government at the local, regional and federal levels to promote and present their production capabilities and a business positive environment to the international community.